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Model:Pick to Light Demo Kit (External Power Supply)
Min. Order:1piece
Group:Test Kits
Tags:put to light in warehouse, put to light technology, pick to light demo kit, pick to light hardware, pick to light devices, paperless order picking
Model:Pick to Light Demo Kit (Battery Powered)
Model:Pick to Light Demo Kit
Min. Order:1piece
Group:Test Kits
Tags:wireless pick to light demo kit, pick-to-light hardware, warehouse digital smart labels, warehouse epaper display tags demo kit, e-ink industrial electronic labels, light based picking
Model:Pick-to-Light System with SETP_Label_V3(Battery Powered)
Min. Order:1piece
Group:Test Kits
Tags:Pick-to-light system, pick to light warehouse, pick to light base station, how to use pick to light, digital picking system, picking light warehouse system
Model:Pick by Light Demo Kit with SETP_Label_V13(Battery Powered)
Min. Order:1piece
Group:Test Kits
Tags:pick by light, pick by light hardware, pick to light market, pick to light software, pick to light hardware, put to light in warehouse
Model:Pick to Light AP and SETP_Label_V23(Battery Powered)
Min. Order:1piece
Group:Test Kits
Tags:picking system warehouse, warehouse electronic tags, warehouse picking system, lightning pick pick to light, pick to light demo kit, warehouse epaper display tags demo kit
Model:Put by Light Demo Kit with SETP_Label_V11(Battery Powered)
Min. Order:1piece
Group:Test Kits
Tags:put by light system, ptl system, pick to light wireless, pick to light system in manufacturing, pick to light and put to light, pack to light system
Model:Pick to Light AP and SETP_Label_V1(Battery Powered)
Min. Order:1piece
Group:Test Kits
Tags:wireless pick to light demo kit, electronic labeling solution for warehouse, warehouse digital smart labels, wireless pick to light system, picking technology, pack to light system
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